Against Child Marriage

Against Child Marriage During 2020, ASOV worked with the project Against child marriage, the purpose of which was to contribute to countering forced and child marriage. By creating a network, Women Against Child Marriage, which supports girls and women
who are exposed or are at risk of being exposed to forced and child marriage, this must be prevented through increased knowledge and dissemination of information.

The project’s activities included a large international conference in
Stockholm/Skarpnäck in March 2020 with participants from all over Sweden,
Denmark, Norway, Brussels, Canada, Switzerland, France, Belgium, England, Finland, Tanzania, Portugal where the topic was discussed by both prepared speakers and participants which provided dissemination of information to meet the needs with relevant knowledge.

The project’s target group consists of female quota refugees originating from African
countries south of the Sahara and to include organizational leaders and decision
makers. Sweden’s Minister for Gender Equality and representatives from various
African countries participated in the conference.

The conference took place beforeany gathering restrictions had been given, but in order to reduce the risks of the spread of infection due to Covid-19, some of the speakers participated via a link on a large screen image in the room in Skarpnäck’s Cultural Center. Lawyer Åsa Cronberg and professor/senior physician Anna Mia Ekström also contributed relevant knowledge that was in demand by the target group. During the evening, song and dance were performed by the cultural group Nagni and the dance group Afrodansen.